We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

Who We Are

Church by the Sea is a community of believers endeavoring to live as God’s people with Christ as the central focus of our lives. We are deeply committed to heartfelt worship, expectant prayer, life related Biblical teaching, and deep relational connections within the body of Christ. Our environment is casual, loving, safe, healing, and very creative.

By faith we are a people who value:
• Humility – walking humbly before God in transparency and authenticity.
• Community – loving and serving one another as God’s family.
• Worship – enjoying God’s intimate presence in creative expressions of worship.
• Body life – practicing shared ministry and team leadership.
• Listening – listening to God’s Spirit through His Word, prayer, and one another.
• Maturing in Christ – encouraging growth in an environment of grace and healing.
• Expectant prayer – believing God to do great things in and through us.
• Relational outreach – sharing our faith as we build relationships.

Purpose Statement
We are a people whose purpose is to glorify God by growing in our knowledge of Jesus Christ and making Him known in each and every sphere of our lives by seeking the Lord, serving the body of Christ, and spreading the gospel in the greater Laguna Beach area and throughout the whole world through the power of the Holy Spirit.